PTAT | Exhibition “Basketry from Vilar de Nantes”
The Alto Tâmega Tourism Office (PTAT), in partnership with the “Associação de Desenvolvimento de Vilar de Nantes” (ADVN), is promoting the exhibition “Cestaria de Vilar de Nantes” which will be in exhibition in the PTAT facilities, between the 10th and 17th of March.
With the purpose to rescue the culture of our region, keeping it alive in the memory of the people and remembering the importance of the ancient craft techniques which manifest the heterogeneous identity of the territory, the Tourism Office of Alto Tâmega hosts an exhibition of “Cestaria de Vilar de Nantes”, with the partnership of the “Associação de Desenvolvimento de Vilar de Nantes” (ADVN) between the 10th and 17th of March.