Visit Alto Tâmega e Barroso

AUGUST 16 to 21 | Alto Tâmega Tourism Office promotes “Festival of the Peoples at Aquae Flaviae” with exhibition allusive to the Empire of Titus Flavius Vespasian

The Alto Tâmega Tourism Office (PTAT), in partnership with the Municipality of Chaves, is promoting the eighth edition of the “Festival of the Peoples in Aquae Flaviae”, which will take place between 19 and 21 August in Chaves.

Visitors to PTAT will be able to see several promotional materials of the event, appreciate up close Roman costumes and ceramic pieces of that time, and receive varied information about the initiative and its socio-cultural importance, which once portrayed the daily life of Aquae Flaviae.

If you are interested in knowing more about this event, we invite you to stop by the Alto Tâmega Tourism Office, at Alameda de Trajano, in Chaves.

We will be delighted to welcome you!