Visit Alto Tâmega e Barroso

TOURISM 4.0 | “Culture of Service in the Tourism Sector” was the theme chosen for the 5th Training Action in Boticas

Took place this Monday, 27th June, the 5th training action foreseen in Alto Tâmega Project – Tourism 4.0, with the theme “Culture of Service in the Tourism Sector”, in Boticas Park – Nature and Biodiversity.

The session had as objectives: to understand the importance of the client orientation in the success of the company/region, to recognize the essential elements for quality service, and to build a differentiating experience for the client.

Guest speaker Hugo Francisco, representative of Portugal Green Travel, accompanied by representatives of PENHAS – Consulting, and Events, was present to train tour operators on this topic.

The First Executive Secretary of the Intermunicipal Community of Alto Tâmega (CIMAT), Ramiro Gonçalves, also was present.

These actions have the objective to capacitate the touristic operators of Alto Tâmega in the sense of endowing them with the technical and functional knowledge necessary to modernize their business, adapt the touristic offer to the new challenges of Tourism, and sensitize them to the inherent advantages to the establishment of partnerships with the other touristic operators of the Region.

Today (29 June), the 6th training action will take place, online, at 3pm, with the theme “The Power of Digital”.

Acess link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85786350198?pwd=STJhYVJNdkFTMGliYjBPTjZ4SzdTQT09

Next week:

  • On July 4 (Monday), from 9.30am to 12.30pm, the 7th training action will take place at Quinta D.ª Adelaide, in Valpaços, with the theme “The Gastronomic Experience as a Visiting Card for Regional Tourism”.

Participation is free of charge, but subject to a MANDATORY REGISTRATION until Friday (July 1) at 5pm, as the session ends with lunch.

Link for registration:


  • On July 6 (Wednesday) the 8th training action will take place in online format, at 15h00, with the theme “Relationship networks between tourism stakeholders”.

Acess link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85786350198?pwd=STJhYVJNdkFTMGliYjBPTjZ4SzdTQT09


The project Alto Tâmega – Tourism 4.0 (NORTE-02-0853-FEDER-037651) is a joint initiative of the Intermunicipal Community of Alto Tâmega (CIMAT), the Centre for the Enhancement and Transfer of Water Technology (AquaValor) and the Business Association of Corgo (AECorgo).


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