Visit Alto Tâmega e Barroso

TOURISM 4.0 | Strategic Plan of Alto Tâmega Tourism presented in Boticas and Montalegre

It happened yesterday, May 9th, two more sessions of Presentation of the Strategic Plan of Alto Tâmega’s Tourism, in Boticas and in Montalegre, in the scope of the project “Tourism 4.0”.

To present the Plan it was present the First Executive Secretary of CIMAT, Ramiro Gonçalves and the representatives of PENHAS – Consulting and Events.  Boticas was represented by the Mayor, Fernando Queiroga, Vice-President, Guilherme Pires and Councillor, Isabel Torres, and Montalegre by the Vice-President, David Teixeira.

About the Tourism Strategic Plan of Alto Tâmega, Ramiro Gonçalves says to be “an important document because it has the great marks of what will be the territory strategy in the sense of having more and better tourists that may pay a higher value for what will be our range of experiences that will excel by quality”.

He also adds that the aim of the region is “to attract more people who value our identity and quality and that, at the same time, private operators understand that they have to work on this quality. It’s not enough to offer just anything because that spoils the experience. The path is that of quality.”

The project Alto Tâmega – Tourism 4. 0 (NORTE-02-0853-FEDER-037651) is a joint initiative of the Intermunicipal Community of Alto Tâmega (CIMAT), the Centre of Valorisation and Transfer of Technology of Water (AquaValor) and the Business Association of Corgo (AECorgo) and has as aim the reinforcement of the business capacity of the tourism operators of the region for the development of new products, services and processes, giving coherence and consistency to the Touristic Strategy defined for the Region and that has guided the work of the 6 municipalities in the last years.

The last sessions of presentation of Alto Tâmega’s Tourism Strategic Plan will happen already tomorrow, 11th of May in Valpaços and Chaves, at 10h00 in Casa do Vinho and at 15h00 in the Municipal Library, respectively.

The participation is free of charge, but subject to a compulsory registration, through the link:


Concluded the road show of presentation of Alto Tâmega’s Tourism Strategic Plan, still during the month of May, will begin training workshops directed to the private sector of restoration, accommodation and touristic animation, which will travel through the six municipalities and will give prominence to the most important touristic products in each one of those municipalities.

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