PTAT | Exhibition “Artesanato Aguiarense” was a success
The Tourism Office of Alto Tâmega (PTAT), in partnership with the Municipality of Vila Pouca de Aguiar, hosted in its facilities, between 18 March and 1 April, an exhibition dedicated to the Aguiarense handicraft.
This exhibition had a variety of handicrafts: wood carved replicas of several cathedrals, churches, basilicas and monasteries, by the craftsman Guilhermino Rodrigues, and articles from the craftswomen: Elisabete Rodrigues, Maria Ermelinda Sousa, Licínia Pinto Fonseca, Ricardina Sousa, Sónia Álvarez Rodríguez, also from the municipality of Vila Pouca de Aguiar, and that use the technique of the napkin, macramé, crochet, embroidery, among others.
All the artisans made a point of visiting the exhibition and that made them very happy to see their materials exposed to all the public.
Between the 18th of March and the 1st of April, more than 300 people visited the exhibition dedicated to the Aguiar handicraft.