Visit Alto Tâmega e Barroso


CulturAT counted more than 1 Thousand Spectators in the Events of the last weeks

In the last two weeks, under the CulturAT Project – Tourist Promotion of Alto Tâmega through Culture, 5 shows were held in the region that added more than 1 thousand spectators!

The show “Romarias do Alto Tâmega” was presented by Teatro Experimental Flaviense (TEF) and by the Musical Band of Casa de Cultura Popular de Outeiro Seco, on June 9 and 11, in Chaves and Valpaços, respectively, totaling about 365 spectators.

Also on June 11, more than 500 people headed to the Pedras Salgadas Equestrian Center to watch the presentation of the Pontido Musical Band entitled “Os Cavalos do Alto Tâmega”.

The Torre de Ervededo Musical Band performed on June 12, at the Centro Cultural de Chaves Auditorium, for an audience of about 70 people, with the show entitled “Traditions”.

On June 17, the Flaviense Municipal Band “Os Pardais” performed at Ribeira de Pena’s Town Hall Square, with a show under the theme “Nascente Musical” (Musical Spring), and more than 100 people were present.

Among the many people present at the events, we highlight the presence of the Mayor of Vila Pouca de Aguiar, Alberto Machado (event in Pedras Salgadas), Mayor of Ribeira de Pena (event in Ribeira de Pena), Town Councillor of Chaves, Paula Chaves (Chaves event), Secretary of the Municipal Assembly of Valpaços, Maria Odete Gonçalves, President of the Parish Council of Valpaços and Sanfins, António Castanheira (Valpaços event), among other members of the municipal executives.

Remember that the CulturAT project is promoted by the Intermunicipal Community of Alto Tâmega (CIMAT), in partnership with the Municipality of Ribeira de Pena and the Ecomuseum – Association of Barroso, and resulted from an application submitted to the Notice NORTE 14-2020-25 – “Cultural Heritage – Cultural Programming Network”.

The main objectives of the project are related to the promotion and development of cultural heritage, as a tool for differentiation and competitiveness of the territory of Alto Tâmega and, simultaneously, support the cultural sector of the region.


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